Monthly Archives: December 2016

Notes From The Field

Every year about this time reports (usually from northern Ohio) start to trickle in about mixed flocks of Canada, Cackling, Snow, Greater White-fronted and Ross’s Geese. Granted if you happen to live anywhere else in the state but Southwestern Ohio your chances of seeing all 5 in one year can be pretty good. Some years can be better than others, but on a whole you have to work pretty hard to tick these birds off.

Now the year isn’t quite over yet, however I’m not thinking about this year. I’m thinking about this coming January when I once again will attempt to see 100 birds for the month. And I’m hoping the bird I chased after this past Saturday will stick around. Probably not though.

img_5588Ross’s Goose

Now this Ross’s Goose was first located on the 1st, and it wasn’t till the 3rd that I was able to put my bins on this beautiful bird. It was discovered feeding in with a large flock of Canada Geese on some soccer fields. Marinas that have access to the Ohio River front one side of the soccer fields, and a airport the other side.

I spent a couple hours just watching, moving to another location and watching some more, in hopes of getting some decent pictures. This was the only one I really liked.