

Passion! There is no other word in the English language that sums up how I feel about the art, hobby, past time, obsession,or the  thrill of the hunt, that describes birding, or bird watching. The need to share and compare experiences with other like minded people is what I crave. Come along for a ride that can last a lifetime. I hope that by creating this Blog I will be able to educate, and inform birders,and would be birders of the beauty of being in the great outdoors with a purpose. The beauty of spotting your first warbler. The sound of a Wood Thrush as you walk through a morning forest. The silent soaring of an eagle.                                                                                     Come join me…


When did I start birding? It seems like a long time ago, but it really wasn’t. Late 70’s I guess.  I think the first conscience effort of identifying a bird was when I was single and living alone in Silverton. My apartment was on the second floor and it overlooked Stewart Road. But running along the front area of the complex was a thick growth of various vegetation. And playing hide and seek within was a Catbird. My first positive ID.

Now let’s spring forward to 1985. The year I got married to Kathy. Up until then, birding was non-existent. And you may ask, why? Well the answer is simple. NO BINOCULARS. And that was soon to be remedied. Christmas. What a wonderful time of year, especially when your new In-Laws give you a new pair of Bushnell 10×50. I felt like Ralphie when he got his Red Ryder B.B. Gun. The hook was set.

Shortly after this wonderful gift, came  the most wonderful gift of all, my daughter. Then a son, then another son. Now as a parent your priorities become crystal clear. Family first, play second. During these years I still birded when I could. Added to my life list slowly. But my family was, and still is the most important thing in my life.

And now that they are growing up and moving out, I’m finding more and more time to pursue my passion. And this Blog is just another chapter.


My philosophy towards birding, or birdwatching, has been on my mind for most of the day. So to start lets put to rest how I feel about the terms, “birding” and “birdwatching”. Two separate activities that have a common denominator.

Birding is more of an action word, where birdwatching is more of a stationary word. I do both, so don’t take this the wrong way.

Birding is the art of going after the birds, and birdwatching is the art of having the birds come to you. If that makes sense.

So if I happen to post that I’ve been to Phil’s,  my birding companion, and we Birdwatched, you’ll know that I was sitting on his front porch drinking coffee, helping with his daily species count.

On the other hand, if I post that I was Birding at Halls Creek Woods State Nature Preserve, you’ll know that I was hiking through the woods stalking for birds to spy upon.

Whichever you do, whether it’s Birding, or Birdwatching, be informed and study your field marks, and calls. Become familiar with your field guide. And stay within your budget when it comes to your optics. Having a $3,000.00 spotting scope, or a $2,000.00 pair of binoculars won’t make you a better birder. Even with all the expensive gadgets, and what-not’s out on the market, if you can’t tell the difference between a Robin and a Wren your pricey scopes are worthless.

Become acquainted with birders in your area, either through a local bird club or the Audubon Society. Having a experienced birder along with you will make you a better birder.

And finally. At the beginning of each Bird Study Merit badge Workshop I’ve helped on, we tell the scouts this. Birding, or Birdwatching is a hobby that will last you a lifetime.

So Let’s Go!


8 responses to “About

  1. Pingback: 2010 in review | A Birder's Notebook

  2. Any directions on parking and birding “Lost Bridge” area will be helpful. I’ve never been there and headed over tomorrow (Wed., Sept 5). Also, can add them to my Birding Ohio post on Facebook, I’m pretty sure I’ve seen your name on there. Thanks, Debbie Kaylor dlkaylor@gmail.com

    • I’m sorry Debbie for not getting to your comment sooner, I just now sat down in front of my computer. I hope that you found Lost Bridge and was able to park. That place can be either outstanding or a flop, however lately it has been very good. Thanks again for commenting. And yes you have seen my name of Birding Ohio Facebook page. I’ll post pictures that I like occasionally.

  3. Would you have any interest in leading a group on the 25th of April to Spring Valley between 12:30 and 2:30 pm. Would glad arrange a fee for this service. Your blog and picture are fantastic.

  4. I really enjoyed your blog. That Kirtland’s warbler sighting is exceptional…I’m still missing that bird. You must have been thrilled to see it, especially off the breeding grounds.

    Good birding!

    • A few years back I had a brief and un-satisfying glimpse of a Kirtland Warbler, however this time it was truly rewarding and exciting.

  5. Hi there! You have a wonderful blog about birding and seem like you might be able to help me. Here is my blog post with the mystery duck in question. THanks in advance for any insight you might have. The post prior to this one talks a bit more about the description of their size and behavior. I’d love to know what they are! http://artbea.wordpress.com/2014/03/05/duck-duck-goose/

  6. I like your comments about not relying on expensive equipment. A friend bought me a cheap-ish lighweight scope a few days ago and I’ve just spent an hour watching common terns and snipe 300-400 metres away! I also like your distinction between birding and birdwatching, although I always thought the former was an American term. Enjoyment and wonder are the important elements for me (and I expect you also) !

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