Monthly Archives: August 2010

My Favorite Blogs

One day while I was cruising around checking out some birding blogs, I noticed that almost everyone had a list of their favorite blog sites. So I thought if I’m going to run with the big dogs, better post some of my favs.

Paperback Fool

Weedpicker’s Journal

Nature Remains

Birding with Kenn and Kimberly


10,000 Birds

Birds From Behind

The Drinking Bird

The Ohio Nature Blog

Bill On The Birds On Blogspot

Ohio Bird and Biodiversity

Haiku Corner

Your one stop for a short poem.

Mist on the river

Shrouded veil on the water

Cloaks the Blue Heron

Written by Phil B.

Bird Watching Ethics

One afternoon I was searching for some new birding blogs, when I happened upon this particular blog. The name is BirdWatching-Bliss. In this blog was some very good information. And the one that struck me the most, was the one about bird watching ethics. On a whole, most birders I’ve meet are conscience of the natural world and how delicate it is. I feel we are true stewards of  this planet.

So why would we have to know this stuff if we’re such stewards of the birding world? Well, for a couple of reasons. If your new to birding, this information is valuable, so when you do go out into the field you have the knowledge to make the right decisions. And secondly, it’s a good refresher for us old salts who think we know everything, but forgot the basics. It’s just a good thing to go over every now and again.

Bird Watching Ethics

Please follow this code of bird watching ethics and teach the code of ethics to others. Everyone who enjoys birds and bird watching must always respect wildlife, wildlife habitats, and the rights of other wildlife viewers and property owners. For any conflict of interest between birds and birders, the welfare of the birds and their environment must come first.

Code of Bird Watching Ethics

1. Promote the welfare of birds and their environment.

1(a) Support the protection of important bird habitat.

1(b) To avoid stressing birds or exposing them to danger, exercise restraint and caution during observation, photography, sound recording, or filming.

Limit the use of recording and other methods of attracting birds, and never use such methods in heavily birded areas, or for attracting any species that is Threatened, Endangered, or of Special Concern, or is rare in your local area;

Keep well back from nests and nesting colonies, roosts, display areas, and important feeding sites. In such sensitive areas, if there is a need for extended observation, photography, filming, or recording, try to use a blind or hide, and take advantage of natural cover.

Use artificial light sparingly for filming or photography, especially for close-ups.

1(c) Before advertising the presence of a rare bird, evaluate the potential for disturbance to the bird, it’s surroundings, and other people in the area, and proceed only if access can be controlled, disturbance minimized, and permission has been obtained from private land-owners. The sites of rare nesting birds should be divulged only to the proper conservation authorities.

1(d) Stay on roads, trails, and paths where they exist; otherwise keep disturbance to a minimum.


2. Respect the law, and the rights of others.

2(a) Do not enter private property without the owner’s explicit permission.

2(b) Follow all laws, rules, and regulations governing use of roads and public areas, both at home and abroad.

2(c) Practice common courtesy in contacts with other people. Your exemplary behavior will generate goodwill with other birders and non-birders alike.


3. Ensure that feeders, nest structures, and other artificial bird environments are safe.

3(a) Keep dispensers, water, and food clean, and free of decay or disease. It is important to feed birds continually during harsh weather.

3(b) Maintain and clean nest structures regularly.

3(c) If you are attracting birds to an area, ensure the birds are not exposed to predation from cats and other domestic animals, or dangers posed by artificial hazards.


4. Groups birding, whether organized or impromptu, requires special care. each individual in the group, in addition to the obligations spelled out in items #1 and #2, has responsibilities as a group member.

4(a) Respect the interests, rights, and skills of fellow birders, as well as people participating in other legitimate outdoor activities. Freely share your knowledge and experience, except where code 1(c) applies. Be especially helpful to beginning birders.

4(b) If you witness unethical birding behavior, assess the situation, and intervene if you think it prudent. When interceding, inform the person(s) of the inappropriate action, and attempt , within reason, to have it stopped. If the behavior continues, document it, and notify appropriate individuals or organizations.

4(c) Be an exemplary ethical role model for the group. Teach through word and example.

4(d) Keep groups to a size that limits impact on the environment, and does not interfere with others using the same area.

4(e) Ensure everyone in the group knows of and practices this code.

4(f) Learn and inform the group of any special circumstances applicable to the areas being visited (e.g. no tape recorders allowed).

4(g) Acknowledge that professional tour companies bear a special responsibility to place the welfare of birds and the benefits of public knowledge ahead of the company’s commercial interests. Ideally, leaders should keep track of tour sightings, document unusual occurrences, and submit records to appropriate organizations.

Please follow this code of bird watching ethics and distribute and teach the code of ethics to others.

Outings & Sightings 8/28/2010

Well everyone, today was a first for me, an actual outing sponsored by the Aububon Society of Ohio. I’ve been birding where there have been lots of other birders, but not an outing where you meet and do a lot of birding with some real nice people and learn more about what makes this hobby so great.

We meet at a “Park-n-Ride” off of I-275 at Rt. 128. There we meet up with the group leader for the day, and about 18 other birders. Most of the people gathered were of about the same age as myself, with a wide degree of experience amongst all.

The first place we stopped was at the boat ramp at Shawnee Lookout Park.

We probably got our most birds for the day at this location. It had great habitat for a wide variety of different birds. I could have spent the entire day there. Saw my first Olive-sided Flycatcher at this location. I was real happy.

I took my very first bird picture here at the boat ramp at Shawnee Lookout. It’s not very good, but like I said I’m not a professional.

Solitary Sandpiper

After we left here we went over to the Lost Bridge area to look for shore birds. We had some good luck over there as well. Saw quite a variety of shore birds as well as a couple of Osprey. I can only imagine the looks of people driving over the bridge and seeing 18 birders lining the bridge looking at who knows what. I guess that’s what makes us a special breed.

Now onto the Oxbow.

This has been only my second time here, and we were given access to areas that normally people in cars aren’t allowed. You can walk back to these spots, but it sure is a hike.

By this time the sun was rising as well as the temperature. So we drove around the Oxbow stopping at various hot spots trying to see anything to add to our list.

That’s my buddy Phil in the foreground .

To sum it all up, WOW, what a great day. Meet some extremely nice people who are some of the top birders in the area. I truly hope to meet up with them again in the future.

And the birding was very good. 55 total birds, and that’s counting the birds coming and going. And the added plus was 2 new birds for me. Sweet. So here is the list for the birds for today.

  1. Northern Mockingbird
  2. Crow
  3. Mourning Dove
  4. House Sparrow
  5. Starling
  6. Osprey
  7. Killdeer
  8. White-breasted Nuthatch
  9. Red Winged Blackbird
  10. Chickadee
  11. Indigo Bunting
  12. Cedar Waxwing
  13. Blue Jay
  14. Ruby-throated Hummingbird
  15. Northern Cardinal
  16. American Redstart
  17. Red-bellied Woodpecker
  18. Eastern Wood Pewee
  19. Carolina Wren
  20. Eastern Phoebe
  21. Great Crested Flycatcher
  22. Downy Woodpecker
  23. Red-eyed Vireo
  24. Blue Grey Gnatcatcher
  25. Song Sparrow
  26. Yellow -billed Cuckoo
  27. Olive-sided Flycatcher
  28. Green Heron
  29. Solitary Sandpiper
  30. Goldfinch
  31. Lesser Yellowlegs
  32. Least Sandpiper
  33. Semipalmated Sandpiper
  34. Baird’s Sandpiper
  35. Barn Swallow
  36. Spotted Sandpiper
  37. Pectoral Sandpiper
  38. Belted Kingfisher
  39. Chimney Swift
  40. Double Crested Cormorant
  41. Black- Crowned Night- Heron
  42. Mallard
  43. Turkey Vulture
  44. Wood Duck
  45. Northern Shoveler
  46. Canada Goose
  47. Great Egret
  48. Great Blue Heron
  49. Red-tailed Hawk
  50. Black Vulture
  51. Pigeon
  52. Robin
  53. Empid. Flycatcher ?
  54. House Wren
  55. Common Yellowthroat

State Birds

While I was surfing around Ye Ole Internet today looking at other people’s blogs on Birding or Bird Watching to see how they do it, I found a few good ideas I’d thought I would share. Someone had posted a list of all the state birds, and I thought what a great idea. I understand that most of my readers know which is their own state bird, but would you know the state bird of Oklahoma? And besides, this is a good way to expand my blog a little bit. Offer a little more information to the uninformed. So while your reading the latest post here at “A Birders Notebook”, and you think to yourself what’s the state bird of Oklahoma. Now all you have to do is click on “State Birds”.

So enjoy yet another little tidbit of info from me to you.

  1. Alabama—————   Northern Flicker
  2. Alaska—————–    Willow Ptarmigan
  3. Arizona—————-   Cactus Wren
  4. Arkansas—————   Northern Mockingbird
  5. California————–   California Quail
  6. Colorado—————  Lark Bunting
  7. Connecticut————  American Robin
  8. Delaware—————  Blue Hen Chicken
  9. Florida——————  Northern Mockingbird
  10. Georgia—————–  Brown Thrasher
  11. Hawaii——————  Hawaiian Goose
  12. Idaho——————–  Mountain Bluebird
  13. Illinois——————   Northern Cardinal
  14. Indiana—————–   Northern Cardinal
  15. Iowa——————–   American Goldfinch
  16. Kansas——————  Western Meadowlark
  17. Kentucky—————  Northern Cardinal
  18. Louisiana—————  Brown Pelican
  19. Maine——————-  Black-capped Chickadee
  20. Maryland—————  Baltimore Oriole
  21. Massachusetts———  Black-capped Chickadee
  22. Michigan—————  American Robin
  23. Minnesota————–  Common Loon
  24. Mississippi————-  Northern Mockingbird
  25. Missouri—————-  Eastern Bluebird
  26. Montana—————-  Western Meadowlark
  27. Nebraska—————  Western Meadowlark
  28. Nevada—————–  Mountain Bluebird
  29. New Hampshire——   Purple Finch
  30. New Jersey————   American Goldfinch
  31. New Mexico———–  Greater Roadrunner
  32. New York————–  Eastern Bluebird
  33. North Carolina——–  Northern Cardinal
  34. North Dakota———   Western Meadowlark
  35. Ohio———————   Northern Cardinal
  36. Oklahoma————–  Scissor-tailed Flycatcher
  37. Oregon—————–   Western Meadowlark
  38. Pennsylvania———-   Ruffed Grouse
  39. Rhode Island———-  Rhode Island Red Hen
  40. South Carolina——–  Carolina Wren
  41. South Dakota———- Ring-necked Pheasant
  42. Tennessee————–  Northern Mockingbird
  43. Texas——————-   Northern Mockingbird
  44. Utah———————  California Gull
  45. Vermont—————-  Hermit Thrush
  46. Virginia—————-   Northern Cardinal
  47. Washington————  American Goldfinch
  48. West Virginia———   Northern Cardinal
  49. Wisconsin————–  American Robin
  50. Wyoming————— Western Meadowlark

Haiku Corner

Your one stop for a short poem.

Mourning Dove calls

My elderly neighbor stills

The sound of her hoeing