Daily Archives: August 13, 2010

The Dog Days 8/13/2010

It sure has been a long hot spell in the Ohio Valley recently, but my need to get out and do a little birding is gnawing at me. So this evening I decided to call my birding companion, Phil, to see if I come over to do some bird watching in his back yard, a.k.a. Zoar Acres.

I arrived at about 7:00 pm and immediately went to his back patio. Popping open a beer we started the hard work of doing a yard count for the evening and shoot the breeze.

The point of the exercise is not to go over to Phil’s house and drink beer and catch up on things, but to show everyone even though it’s real hot outside you can do some bird watching right in your own yard. There are birds out there, and with the start of fall migration you might get lucky. As the evening was settling in we heard a new bird that neither of us had heard before. I’ll check this out later on this weekend. But this is what keeps me wanting to go out more and go birding.  Summertime has a tendency to keep people indoors, and watching the birding posts for this area of a Ohio, the birders aren’t going out. I’m going out tomorrow, and it’s going to be another hot day. I don’t expect big numbers, or a new bird for my life list, but I’m going anyway. So should you.

Here is my list for tonight. Starting at 7:00pm till 8:45.

1. Mourning Dove

2. Cardinal

3. Crow

4. gold Finch

5. Song Sparrow

6. Starling

7. Tufted Titmouse

8. Chimney Swift

9. Robin

10. Carolina Chickadee

11. Ruby-throated Hummingbird

12. barn Swallow

13. Wood Thrush

14. Eastern Towhee